Návod na šitý náramek z korálků
Návod na šitý náramek z korálků několika druhů. Výroba tohoto náramku není složitá, stačí postupovat dle schématu.

Co je potřeba?
- sluníčka
- rokajl
- ohňovky
- vlasec
- 2 kaloty
- zapínání
Nejdříve si navlékneme základ náramku, postupujeme dle schématu. Délku zvolíme dle obvodu ruky, počítáme ale s tím, že k náramku ještě přidáme zapínání, takže korákový pruh by měl být o kousek kratší – zaleží na velikosti zapínání.
Korálkový pruh ukončíme tak, že oba vlasce svážeme, uzlík můžeme zatřít bezbarvým lakem na nehty. Konce vlasce pak prostrčíme zpět do několika korálků a zbytek vlasce ustřihneme.

Ustřihneme si další kus vlasce, navlékneme drobný korálek a oba vlasce prostrčíme kalotou.

Vlasce protáhneme korálky na korálkovém pruhu a začneme přidávat další korálky.

Na konci korálkového pruhu opět vlasec protáhneme korálky a navlékneme do kaloty. Na jeden vlasec opět navlékneme drobný korálek, utáhneme a zauzlujeme, zatřeme bezbarvým lakem a konce ustřihneme.

Zacvakneme kaloty, připevníme k nim zapínání a náramek je na hotový.
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Breeches - out from of the typical horse riding duds
(Breecheswoche, 22. 5. 2020 13:28)
Just like every discipline of sport, horse riding also demands particular apparel. It would not mean that without proper gear of the rider, the horse is not going to canter, but the tradition, ease and comfort, appearances participate in a significant role in all of disciplines. Especially horse riding, namely a discipline from distant background, has built specific traits throughout the years. Breeches are certainly one of these.
Equestrian breeches, ease and comfort, and tradition
Equestrian breeches are special horse riding pants. Due to the fact they do not include seams on the inner edge of the leg, namely in the area in which the rider’s leg meets the saddle, they give you level of comfort and versatility of actions. This type of way of sewing shields your skin layer from chafing, allows the rider to properly saddle the horse and travel for long periods devoid of unfavorable results. Breeches might be firmer or puffed throughout the thighs, just like cavalry breeches.
Currently, the most popular are firmer types of breeches, on the other hand, there exists still a considerable group of people preferring the cavalry type, for example saloons or jodhpurs, having straight or just a bit extending legs. The last model has become preferred in the Nineteenth century Britain because of Jodhpur maharajah taking part in polo in such trousers.
What defines breeches exclusive?
Breeches are seen as a high waistline and grip - short or long. A grip is an extra support which has a layer of suede, leather or silicone that goes towards the knees or across the whole leg. The idea ensures considerably better tackiness, gluiness, gumminess in the saddle, on the other hand, the model of the breeches will depend on the rider’s tastes.
Full grip breeches have got this added strengthening on the inside of the trousers on the whole length of where the rider’s body suits the saddle - in the buttocks to thighs and legs. This particular design is specially loved by dressage riders, who would rather ride at a trot or canter. Due to limited slippage and excellent tackiness, gluiness, gumminess, they make it better to stay in the saddle.
Knee grip breeches possess the strengthening on the inner side of the knees. This model is particularly loved by jumping riders because it ensures versatility of movements even at the expense of a reduced grip. It performs at a trot and canter in half-seat.
Materials for breeches
In order for breeches to become as heavy duty as it can be, they must be crafted from high-quality components. Fabric is chosen for a given season, therefore it is thoroughly breathable, isolating, quick-dry, and simple to clear. The fabric must be slightly elastic and keep its shape even after numerous laundries.
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